Different Methods of Removing Tattoo

Salabrasion is the oldest method used, which consists of the abrasion of the epidermis and dermis with a salt-based mixture.


Dermabrasion is really a mechanical method featuring its the abrasion on the skin and skin having a mechanical rotating instrument. Both of these methods are extremely heavy, painful and permanently and visibly damage the skin. They're hardly used any longer.


The laser tattoo removal treatment allows the fragmentation into fine particles of the ink of the tattoo by the q switched nd yag laser light that penetrates to the dermis through the epidermis. After the session, the lymphatic system identifies the ink particles as a foreign body and eliminates them. With each treatment, more particles of ink are eliminated and the tattoo paled, until disappear completely if necessary.


Excision consists in the removal of the tattooed dermis. This method leaves a scar whose size varies with the size of the tattoo. Excision can be a good method for small surfaces, but becomes cumbersome or impossible for larger surfaces. Excision may be accompanied by a skin graft.


The subcutaneous injection of solutions according to glycolic acidity or any other solutions consists within the injection of solutions which could act upon a lot of it from the tattoo. These solutions frequently also act upon the skin and also the skin and may leave lasting traces. The potency of laser hair removal isn't checked since the ink dates back very hard with the skin towards the epidermis and it is then evacuated. A few of the customers have attempted these techniques before talking to us, and also have endured visible and long-lasting harm to their epidermis.


The tattoo removal creams, whatever their nature (chemical peels, TCA or others), can only very difficultly eliminate ink from the dermis. In the best case, they can fade the surface ink localized on the epidermis.