Rejuvenate Neck and Face without Surgery with Hifu Machine

The neck and face are particularly fragile areas and prone to aging, sometimes premature: repeated solar exposures without protection or too tight bras may gradually lead to the appearance of vertical wrinkles from the hollow of the chest to at the base of the neck. Heliodermia of the bust, (appearance of hypo- and hyperpigmented spots or redness) may also appear eventually, sometimes betraying our age. The management of these symptoms of cutaneous aging in the neck and face brings a benefit and a real comfort to the patients concerned about their appearance.


For several years now, the face area lift machine continues to be supplying simple, secure and efficient treatment. Indeed, treatment with facelift machine doesn't induce social eviction and preserves the skin. The session includes creating small ablative lesions of pyramidal shape, wider within the skin compared to the skin, our "cutaneous barrier". Putting on a shawl after treatment methods are suggested (transient redness usually occurs), and exposure to the sun is contraindicated not less than 30 days following the session.


Hifu face lift machine has been the favorite procedure for celebrities for a few years, but also for all women (and men!) Who want to keep a natural-looking face, well drawn, energized, without age-related impasto, and all without having recourse to surgery. hifu machine is a device delivering micro-focussed ultrasound, which will stimulate the production of new collagen, whose effects can be likened to a "mini-facelift".


The US FDA has also designated it as the only technique to date that can use the term "tissue lift". Its use, although more frequent at the level of the oval of the face, is strongly recommended in the treatment of the vertical wrinkles of the neckline. Some patients even observe the results at the end of the session, but for the majority of them, the final results are visible 4 to 6 months after the session, and last a few years. If hifu machine does not offer the same results as a facelift, however, it allows to delay the use if the treatment is performed early enough, before too much relaxation. Other important points: hifu machine can be done at any season of the year since the treatment does not induce solar eviction! Similarly, all skins can be treated, safely. Transient side effects disappear quickly and are limited to a few hematomas (quite rarely), sometimes edema, associated with redness. It is quite possible to make up the areas treated by hifu machine.